Discover Our Signature Programs
Citizen Diplomacy is the idea that individuals have the right and responsibility to help shape U.S. foreign relations through person-to-person interactions with citizens of other countries
(Center for Citizen Diplomacy)
Professional Exchanges
These programs offer opportunities for participants from diverse countries and fields to build relationships and exchange best practices with their professional American counterparts. The majority of our visitors participate through the U.S. Department of State’s premiere International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) and are nominated by U.S. Embassies.
Professional Fellowships
These educational and economic development programs bring emerging international leaders and entrepreneurs to Chicago to participate in four week fellowships with state and local governments, non-profits, companies and universities. Participants gain first-hand experience and exposure to entrepreneurship, social justice, and the American political process.
Youth Leadership
WorldChicago coordinates U.S. Department of State exchange and immersion programs with Chicago-area host families and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) that boost crosscultural dialogue and civic engagement amongst young Americans and their international peers. Our Youth Diplomat program is an out-of-school time program that empowers CPS high school students to be active global citizens through eight months of skill-building in leadership and cross-cultural communication.
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Get Involved as a Citizen Diplomat
Being a Citizen Diplomat for international exchange can be as simple as meeting a visitor for coffee, greeting them at the airport, or hosting them for a traditional American dinner.
Have an idea for a program, event, or other initiative?
Contact jdixon@worldchicago.org to see how we might work together.